- 2 dni ago
- Možno sklamem fanúšikov Jacka Sparrowa, ale tento článok nebude o pirátoch z Karibiku, ale o jedinečnej homeopatickej metóde. Prirovnávam ju k čiernej perle, o ktorej je známe, že odráža náš život, naše duševné stavy, výhry aj prehry a zrkadlí našu dušu viac ako iný šperk. Je to prírodný zázrak, kt... [read more]
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Don Hamilton - rozhovor o homeopatii s veterinárom
- Don Hamilton, DVM, veterinárny lekár z USA s bohatou homeopatickou praxou rozpráva o svojej životnej... [read more]
Doug Brown - Moja cesta k homeopatii
- Doug Brown, CCH, RSHom(NA) vyštudoval sociológiu na Cornellovej univerzite. Neskôr študoval na unive... [read more]
Homeopatia v živote kresťanov
- Na Slovensku a v Poľsku sa rozšíril medzi niektorými veriacimi názor, že homeopatia je mágia, naprie... [read more]
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Test your soul - homeopatické lieky
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Acidum Nitricum
- People of the Acidum Nitricum type are lean, dark brunettes, suffering from chronic inflammatory dis... [read more]
Acidum Phosphoricum
- The people of the Acidum Phosphoricum type present a sad picture of young men and women once happy a... [read more]
- Dark-coloured and dark-eyed, hot-tempered and impulsive to the point of explosion - this is the Acon... [read more]
Actea Racemosa
- People of the type of Actea are characterised by a close link between their physical and mental stat... [read more]
- People of the Aloe type are elderly, corpulent and plethoric. They possess a lively, if irritable, d... [read more]
- The main clinical feature of the type of Alumina is a dryness of mucous membranes, evidence as const... [read more]
Argentum Nitricum
- All the mental and physical functions of Argentum - type people are brought into imbalance by their ... [read more]
- In their youth, people of the type of Arsenicum are tall, blooming athletes with shining hair and fa... [read more]
Aurum - man
- People of the Aurum type present the classical features of severe, longstanding arterial hypertensio... [read more]
Aurum - woman
- People of the Aurum type present the classical features of severe, longstanding arterial hypertensio... [read more]
Baryta Carbonica - child
- The very young form the sad domain of Baryta Carbonica. The children of this type are mentally and p... [read more]
Baryta Carbonica - old man
- The very old form the sad domain of Baryta Carbonica. The elderly people of this type suffer from... [read more]
Belladonna - woman
- Exalted, dazzling, radiant with beauty and joy young women, with shining eyes, widely dilated pupils... [read more]
Belladonna - man
- People of the type of Belladonna are easily excited and impressed; they feel intensely and deeply, b... [read more]
- People of the Berberis type suffer from various disorders produced by precipitation of metabolic was... [read more]
- People of the type of Bryonia are dominated by their persistent, chronic disease; they are never hap... [read more]
- People of the type of Brom are pale and blond, with light coloured hair and eyes and fair skin, ofte... [read more]
Calcarea Carbonica
- Calcarea Carbonica is one of the most commonly encountered types in the homeopathic practice, both a... [read more]
Calcarea Fluorica
- This is a third constitutional type of the Calcarea subgroup, found both among children and adults. ... [read more]
Calcarea Phosphorica
- This constitutional type is largely associated with childhood. Unlike Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea P... [read more]
Carbo Vegetabilis
- The Carbo Vegetabilis type applies to people who have reached the utter limit of their vital resourc... [read more]
- The type of Cina belongs to the childhood, describing children infested with intestinal worms. Su... [read more]
- Cocculus relates to people who work too much, fully exhausting their mental and physical resources. ... [read more]
- People of the type of Dulcamara possess a special sensitivity to cold and humid weather, which produ... [read more]
Ferrum Metallicum
- Young, languid, anemic women belong to the Ferrum Metallicum type - pale and quiet, yet flushing eas... [read more]
- Chilliness, obesity and sorrowful mood are the three features most characteristic of people of the t... [read more]
Hepar Sulphur
- Hepar Sulphur is a complex non-organic substance, and its constitutional type has a double origin - ... [read more]
- Dealings with people of chamomilla type are hardly rewardingthey are rude, ill-natured, quarrelsome ... [read more]
- People of this type are tired and weak, exhausted by permanent loss of body fluids - either from hem... [read more]
- This is a type of sombre, secluded women, absorbed in some deep personal grief, ever hunted by memor... [read more]
- These are irritable, restless people, lean and dark, with black hair and black eyes. They eat much, ... [read more]
Kalium Carbonicum
- The people of the Kalium Carbonicum type look pale, exhausted and ill. They complain of weakness, fa... [read more]
- People of the type of Lachesis complain of tension and hyperfiexcitability, manifested by constant a... [read more]
- Wizened and wrinkled, looking worn out and old beyond their years, with minds active and young as if... [read more]
Magnesia Carbonica
- The Magnesia Carbonica type corresponds predominantly to dark-haired, lean women - frail and extreme... [read more]
Mercurius Solubilis
- People with fully developed features characteristic of the Mercurius Solubilis type present the clin... [read more]
Natrium Carbonicum
- The people of the Natrium Carbonicum type are listless, weak and emotionally unstable. They suffer f... [read more]
Natrium Muriaticum
- Eating is the first and foremost need for people of this type. They are ever hungry, and easily gain... [read more]
Natrium Sulphuricum
- The most prominent feature of the people of the Natrium Sulphuricum type is their striking incompati... [read more]
Nux Vomica
- People of the type of Nux Vomica are the people of business, overloaded with cares and work - inhabi... [read more]
- Phosphorus is a type of intellectuals, possessing lively imagination, highly sensitive nature and su... [read more]
- Arrogance is the leading feature of Platina-type women, whose overinflated self-confidence and self-... [read more]
- People of the Pulsatilla type are the quickest to burst into tears on any occasion. Usually, these a... [read more]
- Total indifference towards business, family, friends is the leading emotional feature of the Sepia-t... [read more]
- The main complaints of people of the type of Silicea are weakness, fatigue and sensitivity to cold. ... [read more]
- People of the type of Stannum resemble patients with long standing tuberculosis - they suffer from c... [read more]
- People of Sulphur type are lean and bent, with dirty, grayish skin and a multitude of skin diseases.... [read more]
- The most prominent feature of people of the type of Thuja is their skin - shining, greasy, deeply wr... [read more]
- People of the type of Zincum are worn-out by nervous strain and sleepless nights. Dizziness, headach... [read more]